
miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Antisemitism in Europe's Political Culture Today (II)

What is Antisemitism and what categories of antisemitism can be analyzed?

Atisemitism in the 21st century is hatred of Jews, hatred of the Jewish state of Israel, and the distortion of the Holocaust.

There are mainly three categories of antisemitism:

1) Old-style anti-Judaism and antisemitism up until 1945, which still exists today
2) Antisemitism after the Holocaust, including Holocaust distortion or "secundary antisemitism" which is closely related to the
3) Anti-Zionism and hatred of Israel since 1948

Category 1) Old-style  anti-Judaism and antisemitism up until 1945, which is still exists today

1) Anti-circumcision since antiquity; anti-shechting and other anti-Judaism resentments
2) Jews as Chrsit-killer
3) Ahasver, the "eternal Jew" or "Wandering Jew" (in Germany in particular, framed Der Ewige Jude as early as 1694)
4) Blood Libel, Jews accused of killing innocent non-Jewish (mostly "Christian and since 1840 [Damascus Blood Libel] Muslim children)
5) Mammonism, Jews accused of being behind capitalism and money (examples are Karl Marx 1844 or leftists in winter 2003 dancing in Davos at the World Economic Forum around a golden calf and combining anti-Americanism and antisemitism)
6) Conspiracy Myths, in particular the most horrible conspiracy fraud ever, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion from the early 20th century (a Russian forgery), today disseminated throughout the Muslim and Arab worlds, and among neo-Nazis, and others. Jews being behind the "Black Death" in the Middle Ages in Europe is another conspiracy myth, for example. The same holds for talks about an "Israel lobby" controlling the US, among many other conspiracy driven myths. Jews being behind modernity and liberalism, sexual politics, the emergence of big cities and the destruction of traditions, and Jews being behind Socialism and Communism, or the French and Russian Revolutions fit conspiracy myths, too.

Dr. Clemens Heni, Director, The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA)

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